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Figure 4 | BMC Genomics

Figure 4

From: Identification and target prediction of miRNAs specifically expressed in rat neural tissue

Figure 4

Target mapping of neural tissue-specific miRNAs in the DRG. Targets of neural tissue-specific miRNAs mapping in a a) function enrichment graph, b) pathway enrichment graph and c) regulatory network graph (by the Steiner tree algorithm) in the DRG. In a), each bar represented the targets of both highly-expressed and less-expressed miRNAs, which were annotated to the GO database in the DRG. The blue column represented the total number of these targets. The number in each bar represents the p value obtained using Fisher's test. The significant p values are in red (p < 0.05) and non-significant p values are in green (p > 0.95). In b), the red parts represent the targets of specifically expressed miRNAs in the heat map. In c), genes in red represent targets of tissue-specific miRNAs, the blue shows genes that are not targets of tissue-specific miRNAs, and the arrows represent the direction of regulation.

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