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Table 3 Ingenuity analysis of the genes targeted by top eleven screened miRNAs

From: Identification and characterization of miRNAs expressed in the bovine ovary


Functions and disease categories enriched with the selected miRNA targets

Canonical Pathways enriched with the selected miRNA targets


Tissue morphology, cellular growth and proliferation, endocrine system disorders

IGF-1 signaling, hepatic fibrosis/hepatic stellate cell activation


cell death, connective tissue development and function, cell cycle

p53 signaling, PPARα/RXR activation


Cell cycles, cellular function, endocrine system development

Cell cycle: G1/S checkpoint regulation,

TGF-β signaling


Reproductive system development and function, organ development, endocrine system development

Ephrin receptor signaling

Aminophosphonate metabolism


Endocrine system development, lipid metabolism, small molecule biochemistry

C21-steroid hormone metabolism, Androgen and estrogen metabolism


Inflammatory response, cell cycle, cellular function and maintenance

LPS/IL-1 Mediated inhibition of RXR function, LXR/RXR activation


Cellular movement, Endocrine system disorders, cell mediated immune response

Pro-apoptosis, PXR/PXR activation


Cellular growth and proliferation, DNA replication, recombination and repair, gene expression

G1/S transition of the cell cycle, p53 signaling


Reproductive system diseases, reproductive system development and function, cell death

BMP signaling pathway, VEGF signaling


Cellular development, cell death, cellular growth and proliferation

Cell cycle: G2/M DNA damage checkpoint regulation, p38 MAPK signaling


Cellular development, reproductive system development and function, cell death

IGF-1 signaling, Axonal guidance signaling

  1. Eleven top miRNAs targeting highest number of genes from our screened and filtered all predicted targets and their top Gene Ontology categories and pathways based on Fisher' Exact P-value (< 0.05) are presented in the table. For detail figures see additional file 3.