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Figure 14 | BMC Genomics

Figure 14

From: Discrete diffusion models to study the effects of Mg2+ concentration on the PhoPQ signal transduction system

Figure 14

Simulation results: concentration of phoPp molecules with time with Mg2+ concentration 10–3 moles Simulation plots for the phoPp concentration change with 3 different means for the Mg2+ departure process. It can be noted that with mean = 100μs, the phoPp concentration change is quite steep, and it achieves the maximum value of phoPp (observed experimentally) in the cell at ≈ 1 sec. But as the mean is increased to 10 ms, we get acceptable estimates of the phoPp concentration. This outlines the importance of diffusion Model 2 where the mean of the Mg2+ departure process is indeed in the range of 10 ms as against the 1μ s range for Model 1.

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