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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: A eukaryotic-type signalling system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa contributes to oxidative stress resistance, intracellular survival and virulence

Figure 5

Transcript levels of selected genes in the complemented mutant strain Δ::tn7TLACpak compared to the PAO1::tn7TLAC strain, and mutant Δ pppA-ppkA strain versus wild type as observed from microarray and control real-time PCR analysis. For real-time PCR analysis, mean values of three biological replicates are given. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Complementation RT - transcript levels of the indicated genes in the Δ::tn7TLACpak compared to the PAO1::tn7TLAC strain assessed by real-time PCR; control RT - transcript levels of indicated genes in the ΔpppA-ppkA mutant compared to the PAO1 wild type assessed by real-time PCR; microarray - transcript levels of indicate genes in the ΔpppA-ppkA mutant compared to the PAO1 wild type assessed by microarray analysis.

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