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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: In depth comparison of an individual’s DNA and its lymphoblastoid cell line using whole genome sequencing

Figure 2

Comparative display of structural variants of the two genomes. A: For the outer circle, the number of chromosomal rearrangements was assessed in bins of 5 Mb for both the genomic (transparent blue) and cell line DNA (transparent red). In the inner circle inter-chromosomal rearrangements are displayed. Because of the transparent colors, overlaps between the two genomes appear in purple. B: For comparison, a similar visualization is shown as a smaller inset, plotting chromosomal rearrangements of the genomic DNA (blue) and the genome of an unrelated individual (red). C: Genome ploidies for the genomic and cell line DNA are shown in the outer and inner circle, respectively. The curve is colored in orange in genome stretches with a ploidy of smaller than 1, the area under the curve is filled blue when ploidy exceeds 2. The axes are spaced in increments of 0.5.

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