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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Systematic analysis of palatal transcriptome to identify cleft palate genes within TGFβ3-knockout mice alleles: RNA-Seq analysis of TGFβ3 Mice

Figure 1

Experimental workflow of the study. RNA samples were extracted from mouse palatal tissues of TGFβ3 knockout mice (homozygous, heterozygous, and wildtype) at three developmental stages (E14.5, E15.5, and E16.5); libraries were prepared, converted to cDNA, and sequenced by using the Illumina HiSeq2000 next generation sequencer. Fastq files were uploaded to the server for quality control analysis of sequence reads using FastQC. There were no sequence manipulation processes performed for any fastq file, given that the quality score was high at both the 3 and 5 ends. All of the reads were mapped to the reference genome (mm9, built name NCBIM37) by using TopHat. Quantification of transcripts, statistics tests for differential expression, and detection of splice variants were performed using Cufflinks; quality assessments of biological and technical replicates were performed using CummeRbund; and pairwise comparisons of samples and differential expression of transcripts were analyzed using CuffDiff. Venn diagrams of all significantly altered (FC ≥ 2.0) transcripts were drawn using the R VennDiagram package [75]. CP related genes (n = 322) were extracted from human (OMIM) and mouse (MGI) genome databases. CP genes were classified based on their patterns of expression (n = 9) for each genotype and their heatmaps were generated using the R pheatmap package. Expression pattern groups of CP genes were uploaded to IPA software as datasets and core analyses were run to detect downstream effects: canonical pathways and biological functions relevant to sample datasets.

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