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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Gene expression patterns following unilateral traumatic brain injury reveals a local pro-inflammatory and remote anti-inflammatory response

Figure 1

Principal component and functional analyses. (A) PCA was applied to all microarray datasets and the resulting scores for the first 3 principal components were plotted. The first 3 principal components explain 91.267% of the variance in the data. This analysis revealed clustering of datasets by injury status: Ipsilateral (Ipsi), Contralateral (Contra), and Naïve. (B) Analysis of the top 15 biological functions determined by IPA for the TBI-I (Ipsilateral vs Naïve) dataset demonstrates that the inflammatory response is one of the primary functions of the genes expressed after TBI. Additionally, all of the functions IPA found to be more significant than inflammatory response also have an inflammatory component (see text).

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