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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: A unique nucleosome arrangement, maintained actively by chromatin remodelers facilitates transcription of yeast tRNA genes

Figure 2

ISWI maintains tDNA chromatin. Heat maps in A) and B) compare the nucleosomes on 112 genes, which show nucleosome changes in isw1∆2∆ cells compared to wild type cells. C) Comparison of average nucleosome occupancy profiles under two conditions as in panels A and B. D) Isw1 and Isw2 occupy different regions on yeast tDNAs [13, 26]. E) Venn intersections among Isw1 target genes and the genes that show nucleosome gain on gene body either in isw1∆ or isw1∆2∆ cells.

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