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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Revealing selection in cancer using the predicted functional impact of cancer mutations. Application to nomination of cancer drivers

Figure 1

(A,B) Percentages of predicted functional missense mutations in annotated tumor suppressors (TS) (A) and oncogenes (OG) (B) tend to increase with the value of the FIS in colon cancer [4]. Percentages of "silent" and "truncating" mutations are given for comparison; "TS-missense", "TS-silent", TS-trunc" stand for annotated tumor suppressors affected by respectively, missense, silent and truncating mutations; similarly, OG-missense", "OG-silent", OG-trunc" stand for annotated oncogenes affected by respectively, missense, silent and truncating mutations; (C) Percentage of annotated cancer genes affected by missense mutations tend to increase with the predicted functional impact for missense mutations detected in each of six TCGA projects [3–6, 10, 11]. All missense mutations are separated into 4 groups by a value of the predicted functional impact; thus, "FIS>-4 (all MM)" stands for a mutation group that includes all assessed missense mutations (MM); "FIS>1" stands for a mutation group that includes all mutations assessed with FIS>1, etc... Percentages of "silent" and "truncating" mutations affecting annotated cancer genes in six types of studied cancers are given for comparison.

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