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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Elucidation of the evolutionary expansion of phosphorylation signaling networks using comparative phosphomotif analysis

Figure 5

The highly conserved motifs in humans and the fish have signal modules related to splicing, insulin signaling, and cytoskeletal regulation. (A) Summary of the functions of the proteins, including fish motifs. The functions were classified using the UniProt annotation information. (B) Signaling network of proteins with motifs 46, 135, 140, and 165, which were highly conserved in humans and the fish. The node colors indicate the functions defined in Figure 5A. Yellow nodes indicate 14-3-3 proteins and blank nodes indicate the nodes added by the network expansion method. The network structure is grouped into protein functions, which are clustered based on their interactions with the functional proteins. The network was created using Cytoscape. (C) Statistics related to the interaction network of fish phosphomotifs. The numbers of edges and nodes related to 14-3-3 proteins were counted. Random interaction networks were generated 100 times using the same number of proteins with the phosphomotif.

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