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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Genome and transcriptome sequencing identifies breeding targets in the orphan crop tef (Eragrostis tef)

Figure 1

Overview of the tef sequencing project. Both the genome and transcriptome of tef were sequenced, annotated, analyzed and verified. The genome was assembled using SOAPdenovo and was then analyzed for transposable elements using WindowMasker, RepeatMasker and TREP. Non-coding RNAs were found with Infernal with the Rfam dataset and genes were predicted using the evidence combiner, Maker. One normalized transcriptome library was produced using 454 pyrosequencing, assembled using Newbler and the genes predicted using ESTscan. Another transcriptome was produced using RNASeq data collected from tef seedlings subjected to various moisture regimes. The sequences were assembled using both Trinity and Oases/Velvet and the coding regions predicted using ESTscan.

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