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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Co-occurrence of transcription and translation gene regulatory features underlies coordinated mRNA and protein synthesis

Figure 5

Relationship between uAUG, mRNA levels, transcription and gene length. A. Boxplot presentations of transcript levels retrieved from MEFs and mESC ribosomal profiling data [25, 26], in genes without and with uAUG. B. A boxplot presenting the average mRNA levels of human uAUG-less and uAUG genes, retrieved from the SymAtlas v1.2.3. C. A graph presenting the median number of tissues in which each gene in the uAUG-less and uAUG sets is expressed. The data was retrieved from the SymAtlas v1.2.3. D. A boxplot presenting the transcriptional activities of uAUG-less and uAUG genes, which were retrieved from Global nuclear Run-On experiment (Gro-Seq) [29]. E. A boxplot presenting the transcriptional activities derived from the Gro-Seq data of TATA and TATA-less genes, divided according to the presence or absence of uAUG. F. Boxplots presenting the overall gene length of uAUG-less and uAUG human and mouse genes. The blue and the brown bars represent human and mouse data, respectively. The green bars represent the data taken from mouse ribosomal profiling studies [25, 26].

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