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Table 3 WDR genes associated with human disease and their Arabidopsis homologs.

From: The WD-repeat protein superfamily in Arabidopsis: conservation and divergence in structure and function

Human disease

Human gene and function

Arabidopsis gene(s), expect (E) value, and function if known

Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) [85]

LYST (ENSG00000143669) involved in protein trafficking [86]

At4g02660 (3E-98) At1g03060 (3E-85)

sensorineural deafness [87]

TBL1 (ENSG00000092377) component of SMRT and NCOR corepressor complexes [88]

At5g67320 (1E-104)

Cockayne's syndrome [89]

CSA (ENSG00000049167) transcription-coupled DNA repair [89]

At1g27840 (6E-55) At1g19750 (2E-33)

Triple-A syndrome (AAAS) [90]

ALADIN (ENS00000094914) nucleoporin [9]

At3g56900 (1E-29)

Refsum disease, rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) [91]

PEX7 (ENSG00000112357) peroxisomal receptor for type-2 peroxisomal targeting signals [92]

PEX7/At1g29260 (2E-74) Peroxisomal receptor for type-2 peroxisomal targeting signals [73]