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Table 3 Enrichment of Gene Ontology categories in the lists of differentially expressed genes. Analysis with exact Fisher's test, (p < 0.05) was made using the composition of microarray as a reference. The numbers of differentially expressed genes and genes on the microarray are in parentheses.

From: Gene expression in the brain and kidney of rainbow trout in response to handling stress



Intracellular signaling cascade (19/47)

Mitochondrion (19/71)

RAS protein signal transduction (6/9)

Electron transporters (13/43)

GTPase mediated signal transduction (11/16)

Extracellular (19/70)

Chaperones (16/40)

Endopeptidases (8/22)

Heat shock proteins (8/16)

Metallopeptidases (7/12)

Metal ion binding (31/80)

Zinc ion binding (8/24)

Carriers (15/37)


Potential-driven transporters (7/9)


Calcium ion binding (20/41)


Magnesium ion binding (8/14)


Cytoskeleton (27/76)


Myofibril (16/16)


Microtubule-based process (6/6)