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Table 1 Summary of expression of RBM6-RBM5 chimeric transcripts in various tumour and non-tumour tissues

From: RBM6-RBM5 transcription-induced chimeras are differentially expressed in tumours




Lymph node



Skeletal muscle

Non-tumour 1







Non-tumour 2







Non-tumour 3







Tumour 1


+ a

+ c

+ e

+ f

+ h

Tumour 2


- a

- c

- e

- f

- h

Tumour 3


- b

- d


- g


Tumour 4



Tumour 5


  1. a: large cell carcinoma
  2. b: squamous cell carcinoma
  3. c: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  4. d: T cell Hodgkin's lymphoma
  5. e: insulinoma
  6. f: cystadenoma
  7. g: adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated
  8. h: malignant fibrous histiocytoma, pooly differentiated
  9. (+): positive for expression; (-): negative for expression. Blank grids indicate no corresponding cDNA was examined