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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Computational RNomics of Drosophilids

Figure 1

Genomic distribution of D. melanogaster RNAz hits. We compare genomic locations of the RNAz hits in D. melanogaster for two different classification thresholds with the corresponding distribution of the input alignments (relative to the current FlyBase gene track from the UCSC Table Browser, April 2004). In addition, the corresponding distribution for the human ENCODE regions [22] is shown. The numbers differ slightly from ref. [22] since here we have normalized them to 100%. Percentages for the 5'-UTRs are not given due to the very small bar areas; the values are (from left to right): 1.24%, 1.69%, 1.70% and 0.6%. In general, the distribution of structured RNAs closely follows that of conserved sequence, i.e., there is no strong enrichment of RNAz hits in a particular annotation class. The most striking difference between human and fly is the much larger fraction of intronic RNAz hits in the ENCODE data.

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