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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Transcriptome analysis of a respiratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain suggests the expression of its phenotype is glucose insensitive and predominantly controlled by Hap4, Cat8 and Mig1

Figure 1

An overview of our dataset in the context of key yeast metabolic pathways. Genes with altered expression in V5.TM6*P compared with V5 are marked as follows: induced genes are denoted in large, bold font; down-regulated genes are crossed out. Genes that were previously found to be altered in studies of respiratory-state yeast [6], but which are not found in our dataset are denoted in small, grey text. The chimeric Tm6*p transporter, which comprises the amino-terminal half of Hxt1 and the carboxy-terminal half of Hxt7, is responsible for the respiratory phenotype of V5.TM6*P at high glucose concentrations and is present in the plasma membrane. The grey boundaries represent the plasma membrane (top) and the mitochondrial membrane (left). †Note that ICL(1.5), NDE1 (1.8) and GPD1 (1.8) are induced in our study (see Additional file 3). ‡ LPD1 is a component of pyruvate dehydrogenase.

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