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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: A combination of LongSAGE with Solexa sequencing is well suited to explore the depth and the complexity of transcriptome

Figure 2

Illustration of the extent of tissue collection. A: Photograph of a frontal 400 μm-thick section of a mouse brain at the level of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, centered on the perifornical nucleus was collected bilaterally using a trocard of 1 mm diameter. Scale bar = 1 mm. B: Schematic drawing of the section presented in A and extracted from the mouse atlas of G Paxinos & KB Franklin, (+1,98 mm interaural). The blue circle highlights the extent of the brain area taken off. 3V: third ventricule; Arc: arcuate nucleus; CM: centro-medial thalamic nucleus; cp: cerebral pedoncule; DMH: dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus; f: fornix; ic: internal capsule; LH: lateral hypothalamic area, ml: median lemniscus; mt: mammillothalamic tract; opt: optic tract; PeF: perifornical nucleus; PH: posterior hypothalamic area; Re: thalamic reuniens nucleus; st: stria terminalis; VMH: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus.

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