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Table 3 Thresholds for Genome Wide Association Using CEU and YRI Population Samples

From: Establishing an adjusted p-value threshold to control the family-wide type 1 error in genome wide association studies


Suggestive p values (1)

Significant p values (0.05)

Highly Significant p values (0.001)

Affymetrix CEU 500 K (n = 66,923)

1.49 × 10-05

7.47 × 10-07

1.49 × 10-08

Illumina 317 K (n = 82,494)

1.21 × 10-05

6.06 × 10-07

1.21 × 10-08

HapMap YRI (n = 289,175)

3.45 × 10-06

1.73 × 10-07

3.45 × 10-09

HapMap CEU (n = 164,296)

6.09 × 10-06

3.04 × 10-07

6.09 × 10-09

   HapMap CEU (D' > 0.7)*

8.37 × 10-06

4.19 × 10-07

8.37 × 10-09

   HapMap CEU (D' > 0.9)*

4.38 × 10-06

2.19 × 10-07

4.38 × 10-09

  1. *extrapolated from Chromosome 1 data. P-values in parentheses in the header line indicate the family-wide error rate that corresponds to the Bonferroni-corrected significance thresholds given in the columns below.