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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: CGGBP1 mitigates cytosine methylation at repetitive DNA sequences

Figure 1

Global methylation changes upon CGGBP1-depletion. A: Colorimetric analysis reveals an increase in CpG methylation. Y-axis shows colorimetry signal from 3 independent assays (mean ± SEM). B: GeneSpring output showing changes in CpG methylation. The increase in methylation is significant between CGGBP1-depleted and Control samples. Y-axis shows C count (%, [calculated as C count x100/total number of nucleotides]). C: Frequency plotting of CpG methylation changes across different ranges of methylation. This plot shows binning of data depicted in 1B. X-axis shows methylation frequency bins and Y-axis shows C count (%).

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