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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Characterizing 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in human prefrontal cortex at single base resolution

Fig. 6

Cluster analysis of 5hmC sites unique to females showed clusters related to gender differentiation. a Two 5hmC clusters unique to females were found in the gene body and 3’ UTR of the AMH gene. Both were present within a CpG island, with one also being present around a miRNA binding site. b 5hmC clusters unique to females were also present in the ZFX gene that was differentially expressed in females compared to males (log2 FC = 0.6533; FDR p < 0.0001). c Analysis of 5hmC density in females also revealed a significant increase in intergenic 5hmC in genes escaping X-inactivation. Genes most likely to escape (Escaped9) showed a marginal increase in intergenic 5hmC compared to other levels of potential to escape

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