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Fig. 8 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 8

From: Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the PIN auxin transporter gene family in soybean (Glycine max)

Fig. 8

Promoter activities of GmPINs in transgenic soybean hairy roots. At least 10 independent transgenic roots for each GmPIN::GUS construct were subjected to GUS staining. Images show representative results in root tips and lateral roots after four-hour staining for all roots except (S), which was stained overnight. (a) and (b), GmPIN1b; (c) and (d), GmPIN1c; (e) and (f), GmPIN1e; (g) and (h), GmPIN2a; (i) and (j), GmPIN2b; (k) and (l), GmPIN3a; (m) and (n), GmPIN3b; (o) and (p), GmPIN6a; (q), (r) and (s), GmPIN6b; (t) and (u), GmPIN9d. Scale bar, 1 mm

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