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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Selecting SNPs informative for African, American Indian and European Ancestry: application to the Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND)

Fig. 2

Mean ancestry when estimated with three sets of SNPs, each set maximized for information in one contrast. Each of the ancestral populations was modeled by samples from HapMap or from the Pima Indian GWAS. Three sets of SNPs were each maximized for information in one of the three contrasts and then used to estimate the respective mean ancestry (CEU, European (EU); LWK and YRI, African (AF); Pima, American Indian (AI)) in each sample, with the expectation of a mean of 1.0. When the ancestry of the sample was not represented in the maximized contrast set, then the estimates of individual ancestry become unstable with large error

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