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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Exploratory bioinformatics investigation reveals importance of “junk” DNA in early embryo development

Fig. 7

a Genes with more Alus in promoter are upregulated in a dosage-dependent manner. Stars indicate significant difference from zero based on t-test. b Among gene groups defined by fold-change, highly expressed ones tend to contain more Alus in promoters in humans. c Association of gene expression with tRNA family of SINE repeats in the bovine genome. Stars indicate significant difference from zero. d DNA transposon, DNA11TA1_DR, is associated with gene upregulation during ZGA in zebrafish in a dosage-dependent manner. e Mouse genes with multiple Alu family repeats, mostly B1 elements, are associated with GO:0044224, intracellular part. Genes with L1 elements in their promoter, on the other hand, are depleted in genes related to intracellular part. f Genes with L1 elements are enriched with GPCR activity, while in genes containing Alu elements, such genes are depleted. g Mouse genes with SINE element in promoters are enriched in genes with yeast orthologs (>20% identity according to BioMart), compared to genes that does not contain such elements in promoters. h Among SINE elements, Alu family, mostly B1 elements, are enriched with genes with yeast orthologs

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