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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Chronic nicotine differentially affects murine transcriptome profiling in isolated cortical interneurons and pyramidal neurons

Fig. 4

Pathways associated with DEGs between Sst- and Thy1- neurons in the absence and presence of nicotine. a In animals without nicotine treatment, the top ranked pathways associated with DEGs between Sst- and Thy1- neurons are depicted. b In mice treated with nicotine, the top ranked pathways associated with DEGs between Sst- and Thy1- neurons are present. Some new pathways including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, oxidative phosphorylation and metabolic pathway are found in the presence of nicotine. Except for metabolic pathway, the DEGs are significantly overlapped between pathways and are associated with mitochondrial respiratory chain complex

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