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Fig 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig 1

From: Genome assembly of Medicago truncatula accession SA27063 provides insight into spring black stem and leaf spot disease resistance

Fig 1

M. truncatula accessions A17 (HM101), SA27063 (HM078), and R108 (HM340). A Healthy (top) and symptomatic (bottom) leaves for SBS-susceptible A17 and R108 and SBS-resistant HM078 one week post inoculation. B SNP dendrogram for M. truncatula genotypes with genome assemblies available. C Inter-and intrachromosomal whole-genome pairwise alignments identifying structural variation among the chromosome-level genomes of M. truncatula for A17 (Mt5.0), R108 (MedtrR108_hic), and HM078 (MtHM078 v1.0). Black triangles indicate TIR-NBS-LRR plant disease resistance genes identified based on legume federation gene families

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