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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Whole transcriptomic analysis reveals overexpression of salivary gland and cuticular proteins genes in insecticide-resistant Anopheles arabiensis from Western Kenya

Fig. 4

Identification of DEGs associated with resistance to multiple insecticides. A Upset plot representing the intersection of DEGs between DELTA, ACYP, PMM resistant mosquitoes from Siaya and Migori when compared to the susceptible An. arabiensis Dongola strain (Res-Sus comparisons). The left horizontal bar plot (set size) reports the total number of DEGs in each comparison, the circles represent the set of comparisons associated with the intersection, while the vertical bar plot reports the number of unique and overlapped DEGs (intersection size) between the different combinations of the R-S comparisons. The highlighted bar plot represents core DEGs commonly shared across PMM, DELTA and ACYP, (red), DEGs specific to PMM (blue), DELTA (green) and ACYP (yellow). B Heatmap of the log2 fold change (log2FC) expression of all cuticular and salivary gland protein core DEGs that were differentially expressed in all the resistant vs susceptible pairwise comparisons from both sites. C Heatmap representing the log2FC expression of the top 10 detoxification genes shared between all insecticide resistant vs susceptible pairwise comparisons for both sites. The heatmaps are in a blue-red color gradient (red = over-expressed and blue = under-expressed). SA = Siaya alpha-cypermethrin, SD = Siaya deltamethrin, SP = Siaya pirimiphos-methyl, SU = Siaya unexposed, MA = Migori alpha-cypermethrin, MD = Migori deltamethrin, MP = Migori pirimiphos-methyl, MU = Migori unexposed, DO = Dongola (An. arabiensis susceptible strain)

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