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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Shared and distinct interactions of type 1 and type 2 Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 2 with the human genome

Fig. 2

EBNA2 types 1 and 2 interact with the human genome in a type-specific manner. A Schematic for identification of type 1 and type 2 specific EBNA2 peaks. B Shared and type-specific EBNA2 peak counts. C ChIP-seq signal strength (normalized read depth) for type 1 (GM12878, Mutu-III) and type 2 (AG876, Jiyoye) EBNA2 at shared and type-specific regions. As expected, shared peaks (top) have equivalent signal strength between the four cell lines. EBNA2 type 1 specific peaks have greater signal strength in EBV-1 cell lines (middle left) compared to EBV-2 cell lines (middle right). Likewise for type 2 (bottom). See Methods for EBNA2 ChIP-seq analysis details. D Identification of EBNA2 type-specific enrichment of Gene Ontology Biological Processes. GO enrichment analysis of Biological Processes was performed within EBNA2 type 1 specific and type 2 specific ChIP-seq peaks. Each dot represents the normalized significance of one GO term. Type 1 specific (x-axis) and type 2 specific (y-axis) normalized significance are compared. The solid black line indicates equivalent significance between the compared peak sets. Dashed lines indicate the cut off for type specific enrichment (difference of 20% or more)

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