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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 14,852 participants

From: Serum electrolyte concentrations and risk of atrial fibrillation: an observational and mendelian randomization study


Incident Atrial Fibrillation



No (n = 12,301)

Yes (n = 2,551)

P Value

Age, mean (SD), years

53.80 (5.72)

56.50 (5.43)

< 0.001

Sex, N, (%)


< 0.001


6,880 (55.93)

1,195 (46.84)



5,421 (44.07)

1,356 (53.16)


Race, N, (%)


< 0.001


3,342 (27.17)

471 (18.46)



8,959 (72.83)

2,080 (81.54)


Systolic BP, mean (SD), mmHg

120.66 (18.86)

125.14 (19.66)

< 0.001

Diastolic BP, mean (SD), mmHg

73.67 (11.25)

73.88 (11.78)


History of hypertension, N (%)

6,230 (50.65)

1550 (60.76)

< 0.001

Education level, N (%)


< 0.001


2,831 (23.01)

696 (27.28)



5,038 (40.96)

1,044 (40.93)



4,432 (36.03)

811 (31.79)


Smoking, N, (%)


< 0.001

 Never smoker

5,184 (42.14)

913 (35.79)


 Past smoker

3,920 (31.87)

901 (35.32)


 Current smoker

3,197 (25.99)

737 (28.89)


History of HF, N (%)

519 (4.22)

206 (8.08)

< 0.001

History of CHD, N (%)

521 (4.24)

224 (8.78)

< 0.001

Diabetes mellitus, N (%)

1,377 (11.19)

421 (16.50)

< 0.001

Alcohol consumption, N (%)

6,907 (56.15)

1,433 (56.17)


MET, mean (SD), hours/week

3.28 (3.02)

3.25 (2.97)


HDL-c, mean (SD), mg/dL

1.35 (0.44)

1.25 (0.42)

< 0.001

LDL-c, mean (SD), mg/dL

3.56 (1.02)

5.60 (1.00)


BMI, mean (SD), kg/m2

27.50 (5.26)

28.75 (5.72)

< 0.001

QTc interval, mean (SD), msec

415.81 (19.45)

419.47 (21.20)

< 0.001

LVH, N (%)

244 (1.98)

87 (3.41)

< 0.001

Antiarrhythmic drugs, N (%)

68 (0.55)

49 (1.92)

< 0.001

plasma creatinine, mean (SD), mg/dL

1.11 (0.44)

1.13 (0.42)


Serum potassium, mean (SD), mmol/L

4.43 (0.48)

4.42 (0.49)


Serum magnesium, mean (SD), mg/dL

1.63 (0.16)

1.62 (0.17)

< 0.001

Serum phosphate, mean (SD), mg/dL

3.43 (0.49)

3.42 (0.52)


Serum calcium, mean (SD), mg/dL

9.89 (0.42)

9.89 (0.42)


  1. Values are expressed as mean (SD) for continuous variables, and n (%) for categorical variables. Serum calcium was corrected for serum albumin. BP blood pressure, HF heart failure, CHD coronary heart disease, MET metabolic equivalent, HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-c low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, BMI body mass index, LVH left ventricular hypertrophy