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Table 2 Definitions of minimotif elements

From: A proposed syntax for Minimotif Semantics, version 1




The covalent chemistry of a peptide segment represented by a sequence definition and any required modification and minimotif source

Minimotif sequence

An instance, consensus sequence, or PSSM that describes a peptide minimotif of less than 15 contiguous residues

Required modification

A change in the covalent chemistry of a minimotif sequence

Motif Source

The protein or peptide that contains the motif


The molecule related to a minimotif by an activity


The action of the minimotif


Type of activity that involves a direct interaction between two or more molecule species


Type of activity where the minimotif has a change in its covalent chemistry


Type of activity where a protein moves between cellular compartments


Type of activity where a minimotif is required for a chemical or cellular process

Chemical process

An event that results in a change of covalent bonds on a molecule

Cellular compartment

A place in the cell that can be discerned by the localization of at least one molecule


Short polymer of amino acids


Polymer of amino acids


A region of a protein that folds independently.

Domain position

Location of a domain type in a protein that has more than one copy of a domain type relative to the N-terminus

Cellular process

An event or series of events that results in an observable change in a cell