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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: MicroPC (μPC): A comprehensive resource for predicting and comparing plant microRNAs

Figure 2

Comparative miRNAs. (A) a comparative matrix of miRNA 156, miRNA 159, miRNA 172, miRNA 444, miRNA 1062, miRNA 1076, miRNA 1082, miRNA 1091, miRNA 1094, miRNA 1095, and miRNA 1098 sorted by plant classification (e.g., monocots, eudicots) and filtered for only plants found with the query, (B) a multiple sequence alignment by CLUSTALW via Jalview of precursor miRNA sequences from both miRBase and predicted EST sequences of miRNA 156 family, two red boxes are the highly conserved mature miRNA and miRNA* sequences among miRNA members, (C) a phylogenetic tree of miRNA 444 from monocots.

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