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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: The mitochondrial genomes of sponges provide evidence for multiple invasions by Repetitive Hairpin-forming Elements (RHE)

Figure 2

RHEs in miscellaneous demosponges. Secondary structures and their corresponding alignments of RHEs in A) Igernella notabilis (Dendroceratida), B) Halisarca dujardini (Halisarcida), C) Aplysina fulva (Verongida) and D) Ephydatia muelleri (Spongillina). The numbers in the sequence names refer to their position in the mt genome. The numbers at the structures refer to their position in the alignments. The black box indicates the particular fragment region for which the secondary structure is given. Alignable flanking regions are displayed.

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