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Table 1 Summary of criticisms.

From: Correspondence regarding "Effect of active smoking on the human bronchial epithelium transcriptome"



poor definition of "preferential" expression

introduces unchecked bias from different group sizes

incorrect use of Venn diagram

confounds overall sense of group-specific differences

use of raw tag counts to determine "preferential" expression

introduces unchecked bias from different library sizes

data filtered using criteria that includes variable to be tested

pre-selects for data more likely to be found significant, confounding estimated of false discovery rate (FDR)

significance threshold set to p ≤ 0.05 without adjusting for multiple testing

false discovery rate (FDR) could be very high

"significant" results undergo post hoc fold-change filter

low tag counts more likely to pass the filter, yet these more likely to represent random variation

other possible null hypotheses not tested

not possible to check for consistency with known biology

null hypotheses formed with 2 of the 3 sample types

loss of power

data selected for differential expression is clustered

formation of distinct clusters is meaningless

genes tested for consistency with third sample group restricted to genes pre-selected as different between original two groups

flaws in implementation of first hypothesis test become propagated and amplified in second hypothesis test

no RT-PCR of irreversible genes

no validation of irreversible gene expression hypothesis

evidence for GSK3B as an irreversible gene is weak or supports reversible hypothesis

selection of GSK3B for further experimentation is not indicated

tags per million (TPM) used in statistical testing rather than for reporting purposes only

artificially inflates non-zero counts

some SAGE tags incorrectly mapped

a) follow-up RT-PCR is not validation, b) evidence for involvement of COX2 pathway is weaker than implied

  1. A short description of each of the criticisms addressed in this correspondence, and their consequences for Chari et al.