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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Comprehensive survey of human brain microRNA by deep sequencing

Figure 2

Conservation of human annotated and putative miRNA. The distribution of average sequence conservation scores (phastCon scores) based on alignment of 18 placental mammalian genomes within annotated human miRNA (Am/green), novel putative miRNA that passed our pipeline, excluding the ncRNA-derived miRNA (Pm/red), and the background phastCon scores distribution (Bg/grey) based on 1,000 simulations (see Methods for details). The error bars show 95% confidence interval of the background phastCon scores distribution. Shown are the proportions (A) and the numbers (B) of miRNA in each of the 10 phastCon score bins (between 0 and 1, from the least conserved to the most conserved, divided into equal intervals).

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