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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Protein phosphatase complement in rice: genome-wide identification and transcriptional analysis under abiotic stress conditions and reproductive development

Figure 6

Expression profiles of OsPPs during reproductive development. Reproductive development comprising six stages of panicle [P1 (0-3 cm), P2 (3-5 cm), P3 (5-10 cm), P4 (10-15 cm), P5 (15-22 cm), and P6 (22-30 cm)] and five stages of seed [S1 (0-2 DAP), S2 (3-4 DAP), S3 (4-10 DAP), S4 (11-20 DAP) and S5 (21-29 DAP)] development. Genes are considered as up- or down-regulated w.r.t. all the vegetative controls, (L-mature leaf, R-root, and S-7-days-old seedling). Clustering of the expression profile was done with log transformed average values taking mature leaf as base line. The color scale at the bottom of the heat map is given in log2 intensity value. A gene is considered differentially expressed during reproductive development if it is up- or down-regulated at least two-fold, at P-value ≤ 0.05, with respect to the three vegetative controls (mature leaf, root and 7-days-old seedling).

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