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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Implementation of exon arrays: alternative splicing during T-cell proliferation as determined by whole genome analysis

Figure 6

Transcript cluster gene views showing alternate exon usage by day of proliferation for SFRS10 and SNRPB. The LS mean log2 signal intensity (with standard error bars) for each day is plotted against the full meta-probe set of the transcript. An asterisk (*) denotes probe sets belonging to the core data set, used for analysis, when colored red indicates statistical significance for alternate exon usage. The top section of the graph shows all known isoforms in this region retrieved from the UCSC browser, the location (above or below the line) defines which DNA strand codes for the transcript. In the alternate location UCSC AltEvent information is given. A green rectangle indicates a bleeding exon; blue a retained intron; orange an alternative 3' start site; and red a cassette exon. Previously described events are highlighted by a grey box and possible new events are denoted by a hatched grey box. Parallel expression lines indicate that the transcript is not differently spliced in the groups. C or D designates the control or differential primer-probe set location for result validation.

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