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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Is human blood a good surrogate for brain tissue in transcriptional studies?

Figure 3

Module membership measure of preserved modules is highly reproducible between the two blood data sets. For each of the five preserved brain modules, the scatterplots show that module membership measure was reproducible between the SAFHS blood data (x-axis) and the Dutch blood data (y-axis). Each dot corresponds to a gene. The red diagonal line corresponds to y = x. Results are shown for the following preserved modules: (a) yellow/CTX, (b) blue/CTX, (c) green/CTX, (d) yellow/CN module, and (e) blue/CB. We report both uncorrected correlation test p-values and Bonferroni corrected p-value (inside of brackets). The extremely significant correlation test p-values reflect the large sample size (number of gene). It may be more meaningful to focus on the correlation coefficients. Overall, we find that the module membership measures are highly reproducible.

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