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Figure 8 | BMC Genomics

Figure 8

From: Combined analysis of transcriptome and metabolite data reveals extensive differences between black and brown nearly-isogenic soybean (Glycine max) seed coats enabling the identification of pigment isogenes

Figure 8

Purification of his-tagged OMT5 and determination of the reaction product for cyanidin 3- O -glucoside. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis of OMT5: total soluble protein from E. coli expressing OMT5 prior to induction with 100 lM IPTG (lane 1), 24 h post-induction (lane 2); IMAC-purified OMT5 (lane 3). (B) The OMT5 enzyme reaction as revealed by HPLC-DAD chromatograms at 520 nm (C). HPLC retention times: cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (Rt: 7.3 min); peonidin 3-O-glucoside (Rt: 8.6 min).

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