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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Genome wide gene expression regulation by HIP1 Protein Interactor, HIPPI: Prediction and validation

Figure 2

Co-occurrence of HBS and other transcription factor binding sites in the genome. A. Schematic representation of the region searched for the co-occurrence of HBS and other transcription factor binding sites. Hundred (100) base pair region on either side of HBS (grey shaded) were taken into consideration. B. Transcription factors whose binding sites were significantly enriched (p < 0.05) in the 100 bp region on either side of HBS in the 2 Kb upstream of genes. Data set represents the set of genes in the human genome having HBS within 2 Kb upstream regions. The occurrence of a particular motif within 100 bp distance of HBS in the data set was divided by the occurrence of that motif in the background and the ratio was plotted against the TF. The p value in the figure represents the significance level of enrichment for the transcription factor.

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