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Table 1 Number of probes showing differential methylation between first, second and third trimester placental tissue.

From: Evidence for widespread changes in promoter methylation profile in human placenta in response to increasing gestational age and environmental/stochastic factors


Differentially methylated probes

(adj. p < 0.05)

Difference β ≥ 0.1 and adj. p < 0.05

Difference β ≥ 0.2 and adj. p < 0.05

First v Second

8, 240

411 ↓

1, 077 ↑

12 ↓

137 ↑

First v Third

8, 298

755 ↓

2, 581 ↑

71 ↓

883 ↑

Second v Third

7, 669

288 ↓

1, 515 ↑

6 ↓

151 ↑

  1. ↑: Increase in methylation; ↓: Decrease in methylation