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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Probing the Xenopus laevis inner ear transcriptome for biological function

Figure 6

BLAST analysis of gene category alignments Histograms showing the number of protein sequences for genes in three inner ear categories that aligned to Xl-PSID consensus sequences (Affy) or X. tropicalis 4.1 predicted proteins (Xt4.1 pp) using BLAST algorithms: A, IET/HGNC (n = 681); B, DF/HGNC (n = 222); C, IC/HGNC (n = 306). Pairwise alignments were sorted into similarity groups based on e-value (high = 0-10-100; mod = 10-99 to 10-50; weak = 10-49 to 10-15; low = E > 10-14, data not shown).

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