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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Identification of yeast genes that confer resistance to chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) using chemogenomics

Figure 2

Chitosan oligosaccharide molecule, screen and biological process associated with sensitive deletions strains. A) Chitosan molecular structure. B) Chitosan oligosaccharide screen in wild type yeast (BY4743) at 5 concentrations (91.1 – 112.5 μg/ml) in 0.5X YPD pH 5. Optical density readings were taken every 15 min over 20 hrs using a Tecan Genios reader (see Methods). C) Biological processes associated with chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) sensitive deletion strains. A node represents a biological process significantly enriched in the COS-5.44 HIP-HOP assay (FDR ≤ 0.1, see Methods). The node size correlates to the number of genes annotated to that functional category. The width of the edge correlates to the degree of gene overlap between the 2 connected categories. If the overlap coefficient is less than 0.5, edges are not shown (see Methods). Cluster membership is shown by node color, where clustering is based in degree of overlap among categories. Bar plots show the sensitivity scores of the genes that contributed to the functional enrichment of the cluster, border color surrounding the plot correlated with the nodes in the cluster. The top 10 genes in each cluster category are shown in each plot. Heterozygous strains are marked with a black dot.

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