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Figure 4 | BMC Genomics

Figure 4

From: A unique nucleosome arrangement, maintained actively by chromatin remodelers facilitates transcription of yeast tRNA genes

Figure 4

Differential Pol III Occupancy and tRNA gene expression. A) Heat map of tRNA levels showing perturbation of tRNA levels in wild type starved and remodeler mutants as compared to wild type active state levels. B) Heat maps show pol III tag counts binned around TSSs of all tDNAs in active and starved conditions. C) Scatter plot for nucleosome occupancy (−60 to TSS region) and pol III tag counts (−100 to +100 region) for isogenes of tP(UGG) family shows negative correlation. D) Pol III occupancy compared to gene-flanking nucleosome occupancies is shown for the three members of the tRNAGly, tG(UCC) family. Genes denoted by G, N and O are color coded and US, DS nucleosomes are marked. Highest level of pol III on tG(UCC)N is complemented by the lowest nucleosome density and longest NFR.

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