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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Cytosine methylation is a conserved epigenetic feature found throughout the phylum Platyhelminthes

Figure 5

Global DNA methylation is found in representative species across all four Platyhelminthes classes. A) MSAP analysis of 5mC in gDNA obtained from S. japonicum mixed-sex adults, S. haematobium mixed-sex adults, E. multilocularis protoscoleces and P. xenopodis adults. HpaII (filled squares) and MspI (open circles) isoschizomers were used to restrict gDNA samples. Five replicate samples were analysed for all platyhelminth gDNA samples (biological replicates for mixed-sex adult schistosome populations, biological replicates for adult P. xenopodis individuals and technical replicates for E. multilocularis protoscoleces). MSAP data (% = the two components explaining the most variability within the dataset) is illustrated by principal coordinate analysis (MspI replicates enclosed by dashed circle; HpaII replicates enclosed by solid oval). B) ELISA detection of m5C in E. multilocularis protoscoleces, P. xenopodis adults, P. nigra adults and F. hepatica adults. Histograms (+SD, standard deviation) represent mean m5C abundance (n = 3 for each platyhelminth gDNA sample), which was normalised (to both positive and negative control DNA samples) according to the Methods. Data is representative of two independent experiments.

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