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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Life based on phosphite: a genome-guided analysis of Desulfotignum phosphitoxidans

Figure 2

Comparison of the chromosome of D. phosphitoxidans with D. balticum visualized with DNAPlotter. From outside toward the centre of the figure: The red lines on the outer border show the gaps between the contigs. Genes encoded by the leading and the lagging strand are presented on circle 1 and 2, and marked in COG colours. Transposases (circle 3), rRNA-clusters and tRNAs (circle 4) are shown in red, pink and green. Genomic islands (circle 5) are shown in dark blue and were numbered clockwise, starting from 0. The ptxEDptdFCGHI operon is shown on circle 6 and marked in petroleum blue. A genome comparison based on bidirectional blasts were done against the genome of D. balticum (circle 7). The core genome is illustrated in red to light yellow and the pan genomes in grey with the following colour code: grey >e-20-1; light yellow <e-50- >e-20; gold <e-50->e-90 light orange: <e-90->e-100 orange: <e-100->e-120 red: <e-120-0. The cluster analysis resulting from the bidirectional blasts is shown in circle 8. Both inner circles represent the G+C content and the G+C skew of the chromosome.

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