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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Kinotypes: stable species- and individual-specific profiles of cellular kinase activity

Figure 1

Clustering of human and porcine kinome profiles. (a) Hierarchical clustering of human and porcine kinome profiles. The distance metric used was (1 ā€“ Pearson correlation), while McQuitty linkage was used as the linkage method. Rows correspond to probes (phosphorylation targets), and columns correspond to samples. The first character of each sample label identifies the species (ā€œHā€ for human and ā€œPā€ for pig), the second character identifies the individual from which the sample was taken, and the third indicates the time point. Colors indicate the average (over 9 intra-array replicates) normalized phosphorylation intensity of each target, with red indicating increased phosphorylation and green indicating decreased phosphorylation. The intensity of the color corresponds to the degree of increase or decrease [36]. (b) Distribution of random tree scores. The number of random trees having each random tree score is shown. For comparison, the score of the actual tree shown in part A is 97.9.

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