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Table 1 Quality assessment statistics of de novo assemblies of high throughput sequencing studies

From: An improved genome of the model marine alga Ostreococcus tauri unfolds by assessing Illumina de novo assemblies

Organisms (Genome Size Mb)

Correctness metric

#Mis-assembled (%)






E. coli (4.6)

Less than 5 consecutive unaligned bases. >95% identity

10 (8)

9 (3)


S. aureus (2.8)


6 (0.6)

5 (0.5)


H. acininychis (1.5)


8 (2.8)

2 (0.7)


S. aureus (2.9)

Translocation, relocation and inversion

1 (0.4)

17 (37)


R. sphaeroides (4.6)


3 (2)

6 (3)


H. sapiens (ch. 14) (88.3)


9 (0)

9156 (250)1

  1. 1 the number of scaffolds was greatly reduced compared to the number of contigs.