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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Reproducibility enhancement and differential expression of non predefined functional gene sets in human genome

Figure 5

Noise reduction and signal enhancement on transcriptograms as function of window sizes. A) Average noise Ω0 as a function of the square root of window size, 2 r + 1 - 1 2 for different values of α, calculated for the of ρ0 cell line. B) Signal to noise ratio ω0 as a function of window radius r, for different values of α, in a linear-log plot, calculated for ρ0 cell line. C) Concordance between laboratories, with relative expression (Fold Change) as metric. Each axis corresponds to the fold change value for each gene obtained by one laboratory. D) Concordance correlation coefficient, ρ C , versus window radius, r, for the α = 1 - ordered (red symbols) and random ordered (black symbols) gene list. Observe that r = 0 corresponds to the analysis for transcriptomes.

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