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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Deep sequencing reveals a novel class of bidirectional promoters associated with neuronal genes

Figure 3

Relationship between sense and antisense transcript expression. (a), (d) Schematic representations of tail-to-tail and head-to-head overlapping gene pairs. Black and gray boxes represent annotated protein-coding and untranslated exons, red and blue boxes indicates novel antisense transcript elements. (b), (e) Distribution of Pearson correlation coefficients calculated based on expression of sense and antisense transcripts in tail-to-tail (panel b) or head-to-head (panel e) gene pairs (red), and control non-overlapping gene pairs (black), during postnatal PFC development. (c), (f) Difference between the kernel density distribution of the overlapping tail-to-tail (panel c) or head-to-head (panel f) gene pairs’ correlation and the control ones. Red line indicates the overlapping pairs, while the gray lines represent 100 simulation results, generated by randomly subsampling the same number of control pairs as overlapping pairs.

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