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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Elucidation of the evolutionary expansion of phosphorylation signaling networks using comparative phosphomotif analysis

Figure 3

Highly conserved motifs with known and potential phosphosites present within the protein kinase domain in species ranging from humans to the worm. (A) Pie chart showing the distribution of kinase families, including motif 68 (motif 55 is included in motif 68) in humans. (B) Sequence alignment of the flanking regions of the proteins, including motif 68, with their phosphosites. The red bar indicates motif 68 regions. At least one sequence was selected in each kinase group. (C) Sequence alignment of the AGC, CAMK, and CMGC proteins, including motif 68 with AGC and CAMK protein phosphosites. The red box indicates motif 68 regions. The phylogenetic tree was drawn using the UPGMA method. (D) Pie chart showing the distribution of protein functions, including motif 56 in humans. (E) Sequence alignment of the flanking regions of the proteins, including motif 56 with its phosphosites. The red bar indicates motif 56 regions. At least one sequence was selected in each kinase group.

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